Conference "Women of international origin as encouragers and bridge builders


Warm invitations were sent to all women of international origin!
With the aim of "Meeting - Moving - Causing", women of international origin who have gone their own way and lead successful lives presented themselves as encouragers and bridge builders.
This was followed by a panel discussion with the following questions:

  • How can women with different cultures, languages and religions participate in German society?
  • How can human rights such as freedom and self-determination be preserved in a pluralistic society?

A further point of the meeting was the presentation of the associations and organisations involved.
Event coordinators & contact persons on site were Hülya Adigüzel and Hanane Malki, members of our association.
The event was public and free of charge. In addition, childcare and language teaching in the mother tongues was offered.

10 - 17 hrs
: a.s.a.m. Monastery Society, Franziskanerplatz 1, 84307 Eggenfelden
A project of DaMigra e.V.

Supported by The Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration. 
In cooperation with the Migrantinnen-Netzwerk Bayern e.V., the city of Eggenfelden, KEB (Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Rottal-INN-Salzach e.V.), AGABY (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ausländer-, Migranten- und Integrationsbeiräte Bayerns) and a.s.a.m. Monastic Association e.V.
Further information is available in the conference flyer and the programme plan.
You can read the press report about the event here.